CarChallenge will organize the world’s longest rally with The Amsterdam – Sydney Challenge.

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Blaricum, The Netherlands – CarChallenge will organise one of the longest rally’s ever: The Amsterdam – Sydney Challenge. The company, a leading organiser of driving adventure inside and outside of Europe, has grown to hundreds of participants each year. There is enough experience, every continent (except Antarctica) has been explored.

The past
“These kind of rally’s have been attended in the past” according to Thom Koudstaal (27) of CarChallenge. “In 1968 people drove from London to Sydney, but crossed the ocean from India to Australia. In 2022 we are planning an even bigger challenge, the goal is to drive as much as possible over land. Until Singapore the rally won’t be that time consuming. After that we will be depending on lots of ferry and vessels which are not made to ship cars. In short: a hugh Challenge!”

The longest road trip ever
The Amsterdam Sydney Challenge starts in Amsterdam and follows it’s way through Eastern Europe, Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. From here the cars are quickly shipped to Indonesia, taking ferries until the island of East Timor. The finish? the Sydney Opera House. The trip is set to begin September 1st 2022.

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CarChallenge is a leading organiser of car adventure all over the world. Since the successful launch in 2007, a rally from Amsterdam to Singapore, the company has grown to hundreds of participants each year. Founder is Jan Willem Koudstaal

Thom Koudstaal
[email protected]

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